Recharge creation service
Authenticity POST x signature
e-SiTef has two methods of merchant authentication on the REST recharge interface: authenticity POST or signature.
In the authenticity POST method, e-SiTef will send the data of the newly created recharge transaction to the registered authenticity URL of the merchant.
In the signature method, the merchant must have a public RSA encryption key registered on e-SiTef and prepare a JWT signature (JSON Web Tokens) to be sent in the Authorization
header. In this case, the recharge transaction information will be returned directly in the response. Learn more.
Call details
- Resource:
- HTTP Method:
- Request format:
- Response format:
- Header parameters:
Parameter | Description | Format | Mandatory |
Content-Type | It must be sent with the value application/json . | = 15 AN | YES |
Authorization | Merchant's signature in the Bearer {signature} format. Example: Bearer JHVGytfdgauygdauiw78264284527852897hagdg . | < 2000 AN | NO |
Below are some examples of the recharge creation service call using the cURL tool.
Creating a recharge transaction sending all parameters
--request POST ""
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
"message":"OK. Transaction successful.",
Creating a recharge transaction sending only the required parameters
--request POST ""
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
"message":"OK. Transaction successful.",
Creating a recharge transaction with signature
--request POST ""
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJtZXJjaGFudF9pZCI6IkxPFGFURVNURSIsIm1lcmNoYW50X2tleSI6IkYxOURFMDAxNzdDMzAxREYyNEE4NjVGMTFBQTlCMjU2N0Y2MDQ4OTFGMEY0NEREQUVGRDY5RTMzOTlFMEI3RTEiLCJvcmRlcl9pZCI6IjEzMDE0ODU4NjYzIiwibWVyY2hhbnRfdXNuIjoiMTQ0NjY4MTAxNiIsInRpbWVzdGFtcCI6IjE2MDUzMDM1ODA5MzEifQ.JoYz8mQ8PZ8MCr5QXygbivAy2x9fvdUEGu_jSeOYF-BtSGm7ZSYWFVokyowabk1FM2NCklubb5eEB_-g9lCi1ntRQ9iqKhdldm-U8pl0V98u7Mv_hR-pcp6MHfqql0T-mhkOv1WkfYO1igck4N6EfsNu9iO126BwgvJQC456WjAUW5jgjRHboc6htvaak9NBs6yRVLNZY03cR9gKtQXMoHeXiCGeNU55_2W1SOeRJPk-OsyBzvVlZBX5RdfUjB2BOdRI7H2TDBBS-GZaMV3b2eS5_84JTySFnriCTXJ-Y1FzBnH60e4fTfAiYy1P_J-j9hyXjLYgtRu8jQd8ITfiFG3h4ZIysb4CA_lJNg_d4YuCqhBiZcpculcbfXlcrcfPV-CpDytfiLz34FDWH0Q7Vlna1YuSNOKPzDIUx1MOMZO9bpwaE6Q3kClkqri92-42yeLoUKH6PUrlMpE3JrfuBelALE4ce7QzCrNjcvoqR_KVmCm6ozBjPn9qY0s7x7qe6ZLur7hNUoX79JdWGZy1-bx8dSqqpLrU0SXbMBqtvch5FvdUkktbkJpZAr7q6e0nR13_mK3RTV7adOEw03E_ocUk__rEmjGDAHMSWGmiPowu14jD1-VZ2Yf8FeoKzHYcXmIbEReTVHshk9faBICMQzMS3SXaqow4WXqULZiLTwc"
"message":"OK. Transaction successful.",
"nit": "jhadafsafhjhasdfghiyuw43u8785345jksjknsmnnsjkfkiu34u98ynksnn3535",
"merchant_id": "XXXXXXXX",
"order_id": "13014858663",
"merchant_usn": "1446681016",
"general_hash": "AF32810AAF32810A"
Request parameters
The table below describes the request parameters of the recharge creation service:
Parameter | Description | Format | Mandatory |
merchant_key | Merchant key registered on e-SiTef | < 80 A | YES |
merchant_usn | Unique sequential number generated by the merchant | < 12 N | NO |
order_id | Order identification code generated by the merchant | < 20 AN | NO |
general_hash | Identification code of the table with the data related to the recharges (dealers, branches, amount ranges, expiration periods, among others). If the store hadn't performed a recharge previously or hadn't saved a previously received value from e-SiTef, the value: 0000000000000000 can be passed to e-SiTef. If the general_hash is not sent, the store will be obliged to make all queries to obtain the data necessary for the next steps of the recharge. | = 16 A | NO |
recharge_type | Type of the recharge to be performed. Values:
normal | = 6 A | NO |
Response parameters
In case of success, the HTTP response code will be 200
. Any other code must be interpreted as an error. The table below describes de response parameters of the recharge creation service:
Parâmetro | Descrição | Formato |
nit | Identification of the recharge transaction on e-SiTef | = 64 AN |
merchant_id | Merchant ID on e-SiTef | < 15 AN |
order_id | Order code generated by the merchant | < 20 AN |
merchant_usn | Unique sequential number generated by the merchant | < 12 N |
general_hash | Identification code of the table with the data related to the recharges (carriers, subsidiaries, ranges of values, validity of credits, among others). | = 16 AN |
esitef | Element that describes e-SiTef's response. | |
code | e-SiTef response code. Any code different from 0 (zero) means failure. Learn more. | < 4 N |
message | e-SiTef response message. | < 500 AN |
Parameters sent by e-SiTef on HTTPS POST
e-SiTef uses the
media type to send the HTTPS POST. Therefore, the server must accept this type of media on the merchant's registered URL to receive POST HTTPS.
Parameter | Description | Format |
nit | Identification of the recharge transaction on e-SiTef | = 64 AN |
merchantId | Merchant ID on e-SiTef | < 15 AN |
orderId | Order code generated by the merchant | < 20 AN |
merchantUSN | Unique sequential number generated by the merchant | < 12 N |
generalHash | Identification code of the table with the data related to the recharges (carriers, subsidiaries, ranges of values, validity of credits, among others). | = 16 AN |